Kristofer Lund

Hi, I'm Kristofer, a full stack app developer passionate about web3, TypeScript, React, Rust, ICP, good UX, good DX and lots of other things.

I am the founder and lead developer of C–ATTS, a project introducing a new type of attestation combining data from multiple sources to form a unified and verifiable credential.

In addition to that, I build projects exploring the potential of web3 technologies. Lately, I have been doing work on the Internet Computer (ICP), Hypercerts and the Ethereum Attestation Service (EAS).

I used to be the co-founder and lead developer of Praise, a community intelligence system that promotes active participation and collaboration through peer recognition and rewards.

Want to collaborate? Contact me!

Demo – Bring the Gitcoin Passport Score to the Internet Computer

Use Verifiable Credentials to share information while retaining data ownership and privacy.

Create a cross chain ETH/ICP application using Azle and TypeScript

A TypeScript smart contract with a React/Vite frontend using Sign in with Ethereum (SIWE) for authentication.

Introducing: Composite Attestations Engine (CATTS)

Composite attestations are a new type of attestation combining data from multiple sources to form a unified and verifiable credential.

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